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Normal cells require growth signals to before they are able to move from a quiescent state to active (proliferation). However, cancer cells have the ability to resist those anti-growth signals from nearby cells. Thus contributing to the continuation of cell division among the cancer cells.

*Likewise the growth of normal people is kept under control by inhibitory signals like denial, bad friends, and your inability to express necessities in the most crucial moments. These anti-growth signals inhibit your growth and from reaching your full potential. Be like a cancer cell and ignore those negative signals. Remain unbothered from those negatives vibes and negative people that constantly disrupt your peace. Remember this as you tackle your studying for finals. 



Unlike normal cells, cancer cells are able to generate their own growth signals without external stimulation. This allow the cancer cells to multiply rapidly via mitosis and can rapidly take control of several significant organs.

*This should hold true in your life as well, there is no better motivation or motivator than yourself. You control your fate and ultimately your self-growth in your hands, by the effort you put forth. Therefore, as finals approaches motivate yourself to work extremely hard for the remaining of the semester and you will finish the semester successfully. So generate your own motivation (growth signals) put forth maximum effort and watch the UNCONTROLLABLY GROWTH in your life.



Angiogenesis is a process in which Cancer Cells signal to neighboring tissue promoting growth of new blood vessels, ultimately supplying Cancer Cells with oxygen and nutrients. 

*Likewise similar to a cancer cell you to have to induce new blood vessel growth or utilize your resources and network. There are far too many resources both on and off campus. For you to be slipping behind in the classroom. For you to not understand the material and excel. There are too many of your peers excelling for you not to consider joining a studying group and networking with your peers. Using their alternate perspective to grasp concepts. You have the opportunity to supply yourself with multiple resources, like the Hill Hall, and various professors, that will take the time to help you reach your goals.

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Unlike Normal cells, that have a replicative potential of 60-70, Cancer cells are able to replicate without limit. As normal cells divide their telomeres shorten each time, until the limit is reached and signal for apoptosis. Cancers cell however, have the ability maintain the length of their telomeres while continuously dividing.  

*There is no limits in life, only those that are self-imposed, but even those can be overcame. Although this class, was new and slightly different information then what was considered normal.  The reality is that you possess the ability to pass or fail a class by the mentality in which you enter the room on the first day. Going into exams don’t let those negative thoughts discourage you from the doing the very best on each final you take. Have unlimited potential as you open your mind for finals and several other assignments that are due.

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Cancer cells have the ability to invade distant sites, in order to secure more space and nutrient to thrive. This process is initiated by enzymes that degrade the Extracellular matrix (ECM) breaking away from the basement membrane, enabling the cells to invade into significant organs.

It will not be long before finals are over. Amen. The time has come for you to invade your internships, your summer job, your life and Grow. Graduates it will not be long before you have to invade a new city or career. You will be leaving WSSU (basement membrane) to depart to serve, seeking more room and knowledge to grow into your full potential. Hopefully spreading your love for your HBCU and the knowledge gained from the curriculum  



Normal cells DNA are damaged frequently and requires cell death, or Apoptosis. A regulated process that has two main pathways, intrinsic and extrinsic. Cancer Cells however, possess the ability to ignore these pathways, maintaining the ability to divide and conquer (metastasis).   

We all are human, and have been through some trials and tribulations yet, we should never feel invaluable. Be a C.A.N.C.E.R Cell,

Six Hallmarks of Cancer: Project
Six Hallmarks of Cancer: Project


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